The Ayes have it . . . shutdown government . . .

 Not much evidence of a shutdown government . . . here is the library of congress . . . fountains in full show . . .

 The house was in session . . . the republicans were bringing up bills, the Democrats were whining about the shutdown . . . if they would simply negotiate there wouldn't be a shutdown.  The republicans have looked for any and all possibilities of comprimise and the democrats have rejected everything . . . I hope the republicans stand strong and solid in this endeavor!

And here we are on the west side . . .

 Here is looking down the mall . . . where Obummer has had the gall to Barrycade the monuments . . . check the news, those Barrycades were pushed aside and the forest service folks didn't attempt to stop it, they understand their enemy is not the people . . .

 and Glen Beck . . .
Wish I could have stayed longer . . . and/or done more . . . but had to move on . . . 

Wish the lies would be held accountable . . . the democrats defunded Carter's fence project long before the Republicans have attempted to defund Obummercare . . . you don't hear about that, only screaming from them about how much of an atrocity this is . . .

Why would anyone think the federal government should have any say in your personal medical decisions?

There has been NO republican support for this from its inception . . . why do they think this is surprising?  it is what they (the democrats) have pushed the republicans into . . .

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